Comprehensive Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Breast Reconstruction Surgery Gold Coast Breast and Endocrine Surgery.

Breast reconstruction procedures can be performed to restore the shape of the breast after breast cancer surgery. Deciding to have breast reconstruction or not can be difficult during this stressful period in your life. Dr Clement and his team will provide all the options, guide and support you through this decision-making process.

Dr Clement believes that breast reconstruction is an integral part of breast cancer surgery and the overall treatment. Every woman who is undergoing surgery for breast cancer should be given options for breast reconstruction.

Breast reconstruction can be performed at the time of breast cancer surgery (Immediate Reconstruction) or after all your breast cancer treatment is completed (delayed reconstruction).

Dr Clement offers breast cancer surgery and a full range of reconstructive options. This provides a one-stop complete service for breast cancer patients.

Breast reconstruction procedures include:

Illustration of implant based breast reconstruction.

Illustration of implant based breast reconstruction.


  • A silicone implant is used to reconstruct the breast. This can be done immediately after breast cancer surgery as a single-stage procedure or as a two-stage reconstruction.

  • 2-stage reconstruction - During the first stage a tissue expander is placed under the chest muscle & skin, and is filled with saline over a period of a few months. This allows the skin envelope to be stretched enough for a good size permanent silicone implant to be inserted at the second stage of the operation.

  • Implant based reconstruction has a quicker recovery when compared to flap-based reconstruction.

Dr Clement will discuss the suitable options at the time of your consultation.


Autologous Flap/Tissue based:

  • In autologous reconstruction your breast will be reconstructed using your own tissue from your back (Latissimus Dorsi flap) or abdomen (DIEP-Deep inferior epigastric artery/TRAM-Transcutaneous rectus abdominus muscle flap). This may also need microsurgery.

  • In some patients’ tissue from the back can be used with an implant giving it extra volume for the reconstructed breast.

  • Flap based reconstruction gives you a slightly more natural look, droop and feel to the reconstructed breast when compared to an implant only reconstruction.

  • Autologous flap-based reconstruction has a longer recovery time.

Illustration of autologous breast reconstruction surgery from the Latissimus Dorsi.

Illustration of autologous breast reconstruction surgery from the Latissimus Dorsi.

Illustration of autologous breast reconstruction surgery from the stomach.

Illustration of autologous breast reconstruction surgery from the stomach.

Illustration of nipple reconstruction following breast surgery.

Illustration of nipple reconstruction following breast surgery.

Nipple Reconstruction:

  • Nipple can be reconstructed using tissue flap from the reconstructed breast or can be transplanted from another part of your body.

  • Nipple can also be tattooed on the reconstructed breast.

Lipofilling / Fat Transfer / Fat Grafting:

Fat transfer can be performed on women who have a depression or deformity on their breast due to previous breast surgery and or radiotherapy. Sometimes surgery and radiotherapy can cause a change in size, shape, volume and nipple position of the affected breast. This can be rectified by using the fat transfer technique, where your own fat is taken from another part of your body (usually tummy, back, thighs) using liposuction techniques and transferred into the area of the defect. This can restore the loss of volume and deformity from previous surgery.

Breast reconstruction will not be performed in women who are currently smoking, and with certain medical conditions. Dr Clement will obtain your medical history and will discuss your reconstructive options.